Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bargaining Update: LEO Demands that Teaching Become a Univerity Top Priority, not an After-Thought

Friday February 19th, 2010.

Friday marked another full day of bargaining with members from all three campuses in attendance. The major topic of the day was management's response to the various economic proposals from the Union. Among positive signs was conceptual agreement on making LIs in their 3rd and 4th year eligible for long-term sick pay and disability insurance (which would bring them into line with other University employees), as well as a second bonus for adjunct faculty. On a less positive note, it is clear that management views our economic proposals as a zero-sum game where any monies spent for any purpose (however much they may agree with that purpose) will be deducted from the dollars available for annual raises. We reject this mindset, in the belief that university funding is a matter of priorities, and that it is time for undergraduate teaching to become a top priority -- not an after-thought.

We also received a counterproposal on the Appointments article and talked about Layoff and Recall. Again, some positive signs in discrete areas, such as LIs becoming eligible for some course cancellation penalties. However, management rejected most of our proposals regarding greater job security for LIs, citing their need for "flexibility."

Earlier in the week, some members of each team met in small groups to discuss the creation of a University-wide senior lecturer program as well as pay distribution. (At issue here was whether to pay LIIs over eight or twelve months.) Discussion on both issues was productive: it seems likely that a senior lecturer program will be part of the final agreement, and it also appears that it will be possible to keep the LIIs who are currently being paid over twelve months on that schedule. We welcome that as our members generally really like whatever pay arrangement they currently have.

Once again, all LEO members are welcome to attend bargaining sessions. This Friday we plan to start at ten - we will probably be working on Appointments language and the Layoff and Recall article. You can find us in the School of Social Work.


Kirsten Herold

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